Update to Whiddon Redhead families

21 December 2021

Further to our update to you about a Whiddon Redhead employee testing positive to COVID-19, we continue to follow the advice of the local public health unit.

This includes conducting testing of employees and residents as directed by the local public health unit. We are currently awaiting the test results. Please note that there may be delays to us receiving the results due to the high testing numbers currently.

We are continuing to conduct rapid testing of all staff prior to them entering Whiddon Redhead. All of these tests have returned negative results, which is pleasing.

The public health unit have advised us today that further testing will be required on Boxing Day. This means that upon their advice, unfortunately we will need to restrict visitation over the Christmas period. We know that this is very challenging to hear, especially at this time of year. Please know that our teams will be working incredibly hard to ensure that residents can connect via phone or video calls with their families wherever possible on Christmas Day. We know how important this is and we are committed to ensuring that we do everything possible to keep you connected to your loved one throughout this time.

Once we know any more about the situation, we will provide a further update to you.

We understand that this is a difficult time for everyone, but we want you to know that it is our highest priority to keep everyone in our family safe and well, and we are doing everything we can to achieve this.