Update to Whiddon Moree families

22 April 2021

We have some great news to share. We are now in the position to safely lift the visitor restrictions that were in place due to the cases of rhinovirus identified at Whiddon Moree. This also means that residents are once again able to attend outings.

Bookings are still required and we ask that you please follow the guidelines below when visting, to help keep everyone safe.

  • Please do not visit if you are unwell or have been around someone who is unwell
  • Please ensure you have made a booking before visiting
  • Please do not visit if you have been to any locations identified at COVID-19 hotspots or venues
  • Please ensure you keep 1.5 m from others and if you meet in larger groups, please use the common areas rather than a resident’s room to meet
  • Please practice hand hygiene when you visit

Thank you for your understanding and support during this time.