Update to Whiddon Casino families

17 January 2022

Further to our last update to you, we have had an additional employee test positive to COVID-19. Employees continue to wear full PPE and we are following the advice of the local Public Health Unit.

We have implemented our COVID-19 Outbreak Management Plan to ensure all necessary precautionary measures are implemented. This includes residents staying in their rooms for now as a precaution. Visitation is still restricted at this time. Only visits for essential caring or on compassionate grounds such as end of life will be permitted and residents are strongly encouraged to not leave the care home for now, again as a precautionary measure.

We understand that this is a challenging time for everyone, but we want you to know that it is our highest priority to keep everyone in our family safe and well, and we are doing everything we can to achieve this. Our teams are working hard to keep you connected to your loved ones during this time via phone and video calls wherever possible.

We will provide a further update early next week.