Update: Single Site Arrangements and COVID-19 vaccinations

10 September

Single Site Arrangements

The Department of Health confirmed that the Single Site Arrangements will remain in place for the foreseeable future.

Single site arrangements will continue until there are no resident or staff cases of COVID-19 in residential aged care facilities in NSW and community transmission is considered lower risk for a period of two weeks.

The Department of Health will issue advice and provide a two week notice period to transition out of the single site arrangements to allow rosters to be adjusted. This means, you will continue to work for your primary employer until further notice. Once we have been advised, the arrangements will transition back to normal arrangements and we will communicate with you directly.

Vaccination update – one week to go until the government mandate is effective – the countdown is on!

With just over a week to go until the government mandate comes into effect requiring aged care employees to have had at least their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, if you have not yet provided evidence of having the COVID-19 vaccine, please do so as soon as possible to payroll@whiddon.com.au  

By doing so, you’ll go into the draw to win one of five $200 vouchers. If you have already provided your evidence, you’re in the running too!

See our vaccine tracker below for a snapshot of our vaccination rates as of today – this will increase significantly over the next few days as we receive more evidence.