Supporting our people through the floods

17 March 2022

Following the recent flood disasters in NSW and QLD, Whiddon is providing immediate support for our people in flood-affected areas.

Whiddon Flood Relief Help

  • Hardship financial assistance – Whiddon will provide financial assistance for our people who have experienced significant loss as a result of the floods. We are currently reviewing applications for Hardship. If you would still like to apply, please speak with your Manager.
  • Natural Disaster Leave – Employees who have been flooded-in and unable to attend work have been paid for their shifts via Natural Disaster Leave. We will continue to provide this leave as required.
  • Above & Beyond Vouchers – We have heard inspiring stories about our people going “Above & Beyond” to help residents, colleagues, and their community during the floods. We have already provided a range vouchers to employees going  “Above & Beyond”. You can continue to nominate people for these vouchers via your Manager.
  • Everyday Hero Nominations – It’s a timely reminder to consider nominating someone you have seen shine during this period as part of our new, year-round, staff recognition program. The program provides the opportunity for you to nominate peers who live our values of “Creating exceptional impact”, “Nurturing Relationships & Communities” and “Being Innovative & Progressive”. The winners of each Everyday Hero campaign will also be part of our Annual Board of Directors Awards in November. Nominate Now!

How you can help

Many of you have reached-out to ask how you can help our people and communities affected by the floods. There are many ways you can support!

  • Donate to help – Whiddon has set-up a donation page to make it easy for people who are able to donate to support our employees affected by the floods. All donations $2 or more are tax-deductible and every cent counts! Donate Now
  • Give time, goods or services with GIVIT – simply visit to provide goods and services or to find out more about volunteering your time. GIVIT ensures you give the right help, at the right time, to the people who really need it!

We will continue to be there for our people as the weeks and months go by following the floods. Let’s all get involved in supporting where we can!

Please also remember that this is a difficult time and you can always reach-out for Free counselling via our Employee Assistance Line (EAP) on 1800 818 728 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

Take care,

Chris & Alyson