Important update for Whiddon Moree families

19 April 2021

Update on the availability of the COVID-19 vaccine at Whiddon Moree

We are pleased to advise that we have received notification that residents at Whiddon Moree who have chosen to have the COVID-19 Pfizer (Comirnaty) vaccine, will receive their first dose of the vaccine between Monday 10 May and Friday 14 May.

We have now received consent forms for all residents who have chosen to have the vaccine. We thank residents and their representatives for arranging for the forms to be completed for those choosing to have the vaccine. Whiddon supports the vaccination program to reduce the risks that COVID-19 poses to our residents.

Please find a range of resources below relating to the vaccine if you wish to read more about it.

Update on visitation to Whiddon Moree

For now, we are continuing to discourage visits to Whiddon Moree, to help limit the spread of rhinovirus to residents, visitors and the community.

If you do need to visit, please ensure that you book your visit in advance and strictly note the following:

•Visitors to Whiddon Moree knowingly enter the care home while we are encouraging visitors not to, and do so at their own risk of catching the rhinovirus
•Visitors must wear masks
•Visitors must be screened upon entry
•Visitor must remain in the resident room that they are visiting
•Practice hand hygiene when visiting and please don’t visit if you are unwell
•Visitors are not able to visit residents who are in isolation.

Thank you for your understanding.