Further update to Whiddon Easton Park families

8 December 2021

We are pleased to let you know that the results of the PCR tests taken by employees and residents at Taylor House who were identified as contacts of the employee with COVID-19, are all negative.

While further testing of these employees and residents will be required in the coming days, this is welcome news. We continue to work closely with the local Public Health Unit in managing our response and following their recommendations.

We are conducting rapid antigen testing of employees at the start of their shift. This adds an important layer of protection at this time, in addition to our robust screening protocols. As mentioned in our earlier update today, all results since testing was recommenced yesterday, have returned negative results. Again, this is pleasing.

What this means for Taylor House
For now, as a precaution, visitation is still restricted to Taylor House. Our employees will continue to wear full PPE, and robust measures to prevent a potential spread of infection, remain in place. Once we know more about when these may be relaxed, we will let you know.

What this means for Sir David Martin, Arthur Webb Court and Easton Park Units
We are able to welcome back visitors to these care homes and resident activities can now resume. Visitors will only be able to attend one of these care homes as they are not permitted to go between other care homes on our campus for now. Bookings for visits are essential and there are important guidelines to follow, which can be found on our COVID-19 page. We ask visitors to these care homes to have a rapid antigen testing upon arrival. We also ask visitors to remain vigilant and take steps to keep everyone safe. As a reminder, here are the phone numbers to book in your visit:

For Arthur Webb Court: 02 9827 6725
For Easton Park Units: 02 9827 6735
For Sir David Martin: 02 9827 6666

Next steps

We will provide a further update to you once the results of the additional testing has come through, which is likely to be on Friday. If anything changes, we will update you sooner.

We do hope this update provides you with some reassurance and we genuinely thank you for your understanding and support.