
External Medical Appointments and Accompanied Transport Services at Whiddon Easton Park 12 09 2024

Dear Easton Park Families,

We hope this message finds you well.

At Whiddon, we understand the importance of staying connected with your community and having the ability to access important specialist and medical appointments.

As a gentle reminder, we would like to highlight the guidance provided in our Resident Handbooks regarding medical appointments:

Medical specialists of your choice may be consulted by referral from your visiting GP. You and/or your representative are responsible for your travel and care to and from any external appointments. If you require assistance with travel, please talk to reception.

While we are always happy to assist with transport arrangements, it’s important to note that it may not always be possible to have staff available to provide transport and escort on every occasion.

We strive to do everything we can to accommodate transport requests for medical appointments. However, in rare instances where we are unable to arrange transport, we encourage families to consider the Accompanied Transport Service as a convenient and supportive option. Please find the Booking form for Accompanied Transport here.

It’s important to note that transport is a private service and there will be an associated fee.

If you would like more information or need assistance with transport arrangements, please don’t hesitate to contact the Registered Nurse (RN) on duty.

Thank you for your understanding and ongoing support.

– Whiddon Easton Park