
Update for Whiddon Kyogle

Dear Families,

Please be advised that we are currently experiencing a number of COVID-19 exposures with a number of staff testing positive at Whiddon Kyogle, staff members worked within the last 48 hours.

Please note:

  • Visiting will continue as normal with the adherence to screening, RAT prior to entry, social distancing and in room visiting.
  • There will be no change to the upcoming Christmas celebrations unless there is a change in the circumstances at the home.
  • Visits must take place in the resident’s room or an outside, well- ventilated area, only.

All residents will be closely monitored over the next 5 days for any signs or symptoms, everyone is well and symptom free presently.

Thank you for your ongoing support and cooperation. Further updates will be provided in due course.

The Whiddon Team