Update to Whiddon Kelso employees

22 May 2022

Please be advised that we have had three residents in the Kingston Wing of Whiddon Kelso test positive to COVID-19. These residents are currently isolating in their rooms. At the advice of the local Public Health Unit, all residents in the Kingston Wing are being asked to stay within the Kingston Wing for now as a precaution. PCR testing of residents in the Kingston Wing will be undertaken tomorrow.

We have activated our COVID-19 outbreak management plan and are working closely with the local Public Health Unit to ensure all necessary precautions are in place.

Employees must continue to wear N95 mask and face shields routinely, and full PPE when caring for a COVID-19 positive resident. They must also complete a rapid antigen test, and social distancing must be observed at all times.

After completing a rapid antigen test, staff working in Kingston and Bedwell are to walk around the outside of the building and enter Whiddon Kelso from the door to the side of the main entrance. Employees must have tea breaks in the designated break area for the Wing you are working in only.

For now, we have restricted visitation to the Kingston Wing to allow one visitor per resident at this time (for compassionate or essential visits only). These visits must be pre-booked. This does not impact visitation in other areas. We are also limiting visitation to Whiddon Kelso to weekdays only for at least the next ten days. This includes to all areas.

We thank you for your ongoing support and understanding.