Update to Whiddon Arthur Webb Court families

5 May 2022

Dear Residents and Families,

We wanted to provide you with an update on the management team at our Arthur Webb Court care home. As you will already be aware, we have been recruiting a new leadership team for Arthur Webb Court since Sumi’s resignation in April.

I am pleased to announce that we have recruited a new Director Care Services, however there will be a slight change in the leadership structure at the home.

We are pleased to announce that we have appointed Lynda Neil to the position of Director Care Services for Arthur Webb Court. Lynda has worked at Whiddon for some time now and is the current Director Care Services at our Taylor House home. Lynda will be the Director Care Services for both Arthur Webb Court and Taylor House.

To support Lynda in her role, we are pleased to announce that Mr Collect Mbungo as a fulltime Care Manager. Collect will be based in Arthur Webb Court and work Monday to Friday where he will lead the team and support care delivery. Collect has worked with Whiddon since June 2015 and is an experienced Nurse Manager who brings a wealth of knowledge and skills to the role.

Kind Regards

Sharon Fletcher
Regional General Manager Residential Greater Sydney