Update to Whiddon Easton Park families

13 December 2021

Following our last update to you on 10 December, we are pleased to let you know that we have received the COVID-19 test results from further testing on Saturday of the employees and residents in Taylor House that were identified as contacts. These all produced negative results, which is welcome news.

Residents and employees have been tested again today. If all results are negative, we will move to 72-hour testing, which would take place this Thursday and Sunday. This is in line with the advice of the local Public Health Unit.

If all results continue to be negative, we will come out of lockdown in Taylor House on 21 December.

For now, as a precaution, visitation is still restricted to Taylor House. We do understand that this is a challenging time. Our teams will continue to help residents stay connected to their loves ones wherever possible.

We continue to conduct rapid antigen testing of employees at the start of their shift. This adds an important layer of protection at this time, in addition to our robust screening protocols.

We will provide a further update to you later in the week, or earlier, if anything changes.

Thank you again for your support and understanding.