Update to Whiddon Largs employees

6 January 2022

An employee at Whiddon Largs has tested positive to COVID-19. As a precaution, employees must continue to wear N95 masks and face shields and social distancing must be observed at all times including the staff room and nurses station. We have activated our COVID-19 response plan to ensure all necessary precautionary measures are implemented.

The risk is considered low, and as such, visitors are still welcome to attend Whiddon Largs. We have asked visitors to follow our guidelines when visiting, and stay vigilant due to the heightened risk in our communities currently.

We are working closely with the local Public Health Unit and our robust COVID-19 management plan means that we have strict protocols in place to avoid potential spread of the virus across our care homes.

Those considered contacts of the employee who tested positive, will be contacted directly. We understand that this is a challenging time for everyone, but we want you to know that it is our highest priority to keep everyone in our family safe and well, and we are doing everything we can to achieve this.

We ask that if you have any concerns to please speak to your manager in the first instance. Please also remember our confidential EAP service contactable 24/7 on 1800 818 728.

This is a timely reminder to all of us that COVID-19 is still very much with us. We encourage you to have your Booster shot and send evidence of your vaccination to payroll@whiddon.com.au at your earliest convenience. Eligibility for booster shots are for those that have had their second dose at least 4 months ago.

Update to Whiddon Largs families

6 January 2022

An employee at Whiddon Largs has tested positive to COVID-19. As a precaution, employees continue to wear appropriate PPE and we have activated our COVID-19 response plan to ensure all necessary precautionary measures are implemented. The risk is considered low, and as such, visitors are still welcome to attend Whiddon Largs. We do ask that you follow our guidelines and stay vigilant due to the heightened risk in our communities currently.

We are working closely with the local Public Health Unit and our robust COVID-19 management plan means that we have strict protocols in place to avoid potential spread of the virus across our care homes.

Those considered contacts of the employee who tested positive, will be contacted directly. We understand that this is a challenging time for everyone, but we want you to know that it is our highest priority to keep everyone in our family safe and well, and we are doing everything we can to achieve this.

Please be reminded of the following guidelines when visiting:

  • Residents are permitted to have two fully vaccinated visitors aged 12 years and over only, per day
  • Visitors must have received a second dose of a COVID vaccination at least 14 days prior to their visit
  • Visits must not take place in communal areas and wherever possible, visits should occur in an outdoor area
  • All visitors must wear a N95 mask and face shield when visiting
  • Visitors will be asked to complete a rapid antigen test as a condition of entry
  • Unvaccinated visitors are only permitted to visit a resident who is at the end of life. Please speak to your loved one’s Care Manager directly to gain the necessary approval to visit

Please ensure that you:

  • pre-book your visits. Please note that the number of visitors allowed into a home at any one time may be restricted to enable management of capacity limits
  • refrain from visiting if you have COVID-19 symptoms
  • refrain from visiting you are a close or casual contact of a person with confirmed COVID-19, unless they have completed their isolation and testing requirements. Close contacts should not enter high risk settings for at
  • least 14 days since their exposure to a COVID-positive person
  • do not visit if you have been overseas in the previous 14 days, unless you are fully vaccinated and have received a negative PCR test 7 days or later after arrival in NSW
  • refrain from visiting if you are waiting for a COVID-19 test result
  • practice good hand hygiene and socially distance
  • check in to the Service NSW app AND Whiddon’s check-in system when you visit

We are also committed to keeping you up-to-date of the situation and thank you for your understanding and support.

Update to Whiddon Redhead families

5 January 2021

Further to our update to you last week, we are pleased to say that no residents at Whiddon Redhead are currently showing any symptoms of COVID-19.

While we have a small number of employees who have tested positive to COVID-19, our robust COVID-19 management plan ensures that we limit movement across our care homes, and that strict protocols are in place to avoid potential spread of the virus across our care homes. Our highest priority is to keep our residents and employees safe and well.

Our employees continue to wear full PPE as a precaution at this time. We also continue to undertake rapid antigen testing of employees, to complement our strict screening procedures.

We are pleased to say that we are in the position to welcome back visitors to Whiddon Redhead, however, we will be implementing additional safety measures and guidelines for this to occur. This includes limited visiting hours, between 9am and 12pm and 1pm and 4pm on weekdays, with 10 visitors per hour. All visits must be pre-booked and the following guidelines will be in place:

  • Residents may have two visitors per day
  • All visitors must wear PPE, including an N95 mask and a face shield, which will be provided to visitors
  • Only visitors over 12 years old are permitted and all visitors must have received a second dose of a COVID vaccination at least 14 days prior to their visit
  • Visits must not take place in communal areas and wherever possible, visits should occur in an outdoor area
  • Visitors will be asked to complete a rapid antigen test as a condition of entry
  • Unvaccinated visitors are only permitted to visit a resident who is at the end of life. Please speak to your loved one’s Care Manager directly to gain the necessary approval to visit

Please ensure that you:

  • pre-book your visits. Please note that the number of visitors allowed into a home at any one time may be restricted to enable management of capacity limits
  • refrain from visiting if you have COVID-19 symptoms
  • refrain from visiting you are a close or casual contact of a person with confirmed COVID-19, unless they have completed their isolation and testing requirements. Close contacts should not enter high risk settings for at least 14 days since their exposure to a COVID-positive person
  • do not visit if you have been overseas in the previous 14 days, unless you are fully vaccinated and have received a negative PCR test 7 days or later after arrival in NSW
  • refrain from visiting if you are waiting for a COVID-19 test result
  • practice good hand hygiene and socially distance
  • check in to the Service NSW app AND Whiddon’s check-in system when you visit

While we are able to welcome back visitors, we do ask that you follow our guidelines and remain vigilant. With increasing numbers of COVID-19 in our communities, it is important that we all take steps to help keep everyone safe.

We thank you for your understanding and support. We genuinely understand that this has been a challenging time.

Update to Whiddon Easton Park employees

5 January 2021

We wanted to give you an update regarding the current COVID-19 situation at Whiddon Easton Park.

As you are aware, there are a number of Residents at Easton Park that have tested positive to Covid-19 over the last couple of days, (EPU, SDM and Taylor). Currently, there are no positive residents in AWC. In addition to this, there have been a number of employees who have also tested positive to Covid-19. This is across the whole site and in all departments.

Please be reassured that we are in constant communication with the local Public Health Unit who provide guidance to assist in managing this outbreak. All positive cases, (both residents and staff are declared to the public health unit so they are fully aware of the current situation).

At the direction of the public health unit, all staff across the campus are required to wear full PPE. Full PPE includes:-

  • N95/P2 masks
  • Eye protection (Face shield)
  • Apron
  • Gloves

We know that this is very hot and uncomfortable for all employees and we are incredibly grateful to all employees.

To make things a little more comfortable, if employees would prefer to wear a t-shirt and shorts under their PPE instead of uniform. If you do choose to wear something cooler, please ensure that shorts are knee length and that  any T-shirts do not have offensive slogans on them.

Shoes must remain in line with our uniform policy.

There has been some recent changes to the definition of close contacts. As a result, employees may be asked to return to work sooner than they have done previously. This change is welcome news as it helps get staff back to work quicker and we hope this will ease some of the staffing pressures that we are experiencing.

This has been a very difficult time for everyone and the Management Team understand that there has been increased pressure on all staff due to increased sick leave and the number of staff that are isolating.

Please know that we continue to work with People and Culture, to address these issues. , we are doing the following:

  • We are working with People and Culture to assist with recruitment including short term casual placements over the Christmas and Holiday period.
  • We have requested support from our local support services team to manage the RA Testing stations which will provide us coverage over the Christmas period ensuring any care staff can focus on providing care.
  • We have reached out to local universities to recruit students into support or AIN roles.
  • We are working with various recruitment agencies to supply temporary staff to fill vacant shifts.

We will continue with Rapid Antigen Testing and this is a requirement before entering any building. This is an important screening measure and will help support our robust COVID-19 protocols.

Please note that Whiddon’s supply of Rapid Antigen Tests, must not be removed from site. These are only to be distributed to staff as they arrive to work and staff are not to remove these from site.

As a reminder staff, must always maintain social distancing, even when on breaks. We strongly encourage you to take your break in an outdoor space where possible.

We will provide you with a general update every Wednesday.

Local information about the individual care homes and or departments will be provided by your manager.

We truly thank you for your understanding and patience as we know this has been a difficult time.

Update to Whiddon Temora employees

4 January 2022

Further to our update to you on Sunday, as a precautionary measure, and on the advice of the local public health unit, we have undertaken PCR testing of residents and employees at Greenstone Lodge. Pleasingly, no residents or employees are showing any symptoms of COVID-19 at this point in time. The resident that has tested positive to COVID-19 is fully vaccinated with their booster shot and has been in isolation.

We continue to limit visitors to Greenstone Lodge until we receive further advice. Only visits for essential caring or on compassionate grounds will be permitted, upon approval, and residents are strongly encouraged not to leave their care home for now. Please note that Narraburra Lodge is not impacted and is still able to welcome visitors.

There has been no recommendation at this stage by the PHU for employees to self-isolate, and as such, employees can continue to come to work and attend their normal shifts.

We ask that if you have any concerns to please speak to your manager in the first instance. Please also remember our confidential EAP service contactable 24/7 on 1800 818 728.

This is a timely reminder to all of us that COVID-19 is still very much with us. We encourage you to have your Booster shot and send evidence of your vaccination to payroll@whiddon.com.au at your earliest convenience. Eligibility for booster shots are for those that have had their second dose at least 4 months ago.

We understand that this is a challenging time for everyone, but we want you to know that it is our highest priority to keep everyone in our family safe and well, and we are doing everything we can to achieve this. We also thank you for everything you are doing to keep our residents, and each other, safe.


Update to Whiddon Temora families

4 January 2022

Further to our update to you on Sunday, as a precautionary measure, and on the advice of the local public health unit, we have undertaken PCR testing of residents and employees at Greenstone Lodge. Pleasingly, no residents or employees are showing any symptoms of COVID-19 at this point in time. The resident that has tested positive to COVID-19 is fully vaccinated with their booster shot and has been in isolation.

Residents are currently isolating as a precaution and we continue to limit visitors to Greenstone Lodge until we receive further advice. Only visits for essential caring or on compassionate grounds will be permitted, upon approval, and residents are strongly encouraged not to leave their care home for now. Please note that Narraburra Lodge is not impacted and is still able to welcome visitors.

If you have any questions at all or would like to contact our team to arrange a phone video call with your loved one, please do so. We understand that this is a challenging time and we thank you for your understanding and support. We want you to know that it is our highest priority to keep everyone in our family safe and well, and we are doing everything we can to achieve this.

Update to all Whiddon Easton Park families

4 January 2022

Following our last update to you on 31 December, we wanted to provide you with a further update regarding the current COVID-19 situation at Whiddon Easton Park.

We continue to work with closely with the local Public Health Unit in managing the situation and ensuring that all necessary precautionary measures have been implemented. Due to the ongoing risk across our care homes, and in the community, the local Public Health Unit has advised that we should continue to restrict visitors for now. Only visits for essential caring or on compassionate grounds will be permitted, upon approval, and residents are strongly encouraged not to leave their care home for now.

A small number of residents at our Easton Park Units, Sir David Martin and Taylor House care homes have tested positive to COVID-19. All of these residents are in isolation and their families have been notified directly that they have tested positive.

At each of our care homes at Whiddon Easton Park, we have now had a number of employees test positive to COVID-19. These employees are in isolation. All employees are being tested daily via rapid antigen testing upon starting their shift and continue to wear full PPE as a precaution.

Where possible, we are continuing to keep residents and their loved ones connected over video calls, however due to the number of employees having to isolate due to COVID or being a close contact, this is not always possible. Please be reassured that our teams continue to focus on care delivery as a priority.

At this stage, we aren’t able to advise when we may be able to welcome back visitors, however, we will be sending you an update each Tuesday and Friday in regards to the situation. We continue to monitor if any residents are deemed a close or casual contact and if so, their families will be directly advised.

We thank you for your understanding and patience as we genuinely know this has been a difficult time. Please be reassured that our highest priority is the safety and wellbeing of our residents and employees.

Update to Whiddon Grafton employees

4 January 2022

We have been informed that two employees at Whiddon Grafton have tested positive to COVID-19. Employees must wear full PPE, and we have also closed our care home at Whiddon Grafton to visitors for now. Only visits for essential caring or on compassionate grounds will be permitted and residents are strongly encouraged to not leave the care home for now, again as a precautionary measure. Families will need to speak to the Care Manager directly to gain the necessary approval to visit.

We are working closely with the local Public Health Unit and following their advice, and have activated our COVID-19 response plan to ensure all necessary precautionary measures are implemented. Our COVID-19 response plan is robust and ensures we prioritise the safety of residents and employees.

Anyone considered a contact of the employee, will be contacted directly. There has been no recommendation at this stage by the PHU for employees not directly impacted to self-isolate, and as such, employees can continue to come to work and attend their normal shifts.

We understand that this is a challenging time for everyone, but we want you to know that it is our highest priority to keep everyone in our family safe and well, and we are doing everything we can to achieve this.

We ask that if you have any concerns to please speak to your manager in the first instance. Please also remember our confidential EAP service contactable 24/7 on 1800 818 728.

This is a timely reminder to all of us that COVID-19 is still very much with us. We encourage you to have your Booster shot and send evidence of your vaccination to payroll@whiddon.com.au at your earliest convenience. Eligibility for booster shots are for those that have had their second dose at least 4 months ago.

We are also committed to keeping you up-to-date of the situation and will provide a further update once we know more.

Update to Whiddon Grafton families

4 January 2022

We have been informed that two employees at Whiddon Grafton have tested positive to COVID-19. Employees are wearing full PPE, and we have closed Whiddon Grafton to visitors for now as a precaution. Only visits for essential caring or on compassionate grounds will be permitted, and residents are strongly encouraged to not leave the care home for now, again as a precaution.

We are working closely with the local Public Health Unit and following their advice, and have activated our COVID-19 response plan to ensure all necessary precautionary measures are implemented. Our robust COVID-19 management plan means that we have strict protocols in place to avoid potential spread of the virus across our care homes.

Those considered contacts of the employees who tested positive, will be contacted directly. We understand that this is a challenging time for everyone, but we want you to know that it is our highest priority to keep everyone in our family safe and well, and we are doing everything we can to achieve this.

We are also committed to keeping you up-to-date of the situation and will provide a further update once we know more .

We thank you for your understanding and support.

Message for Whiddon Narrabri Robert Young employees

4 January 2022

Further to our update that was sent on Sunday, we have since been informed that two residents and five employees have tested positive for COVID-19. Employees who may have been close contacts have been informed.

We are pleased to advise that the residents and employees who have tested positive are doing well.

We continue to work closely with the local Public Health Unit and continue to follow their advice while also implementing our COVID-19 response plan and Outbreak Management Plan to ensure all necessary precautionary measures are implemented.

In addition, we have taken a second round of PCR swabs today and will share any further updates once we receive the results.

We thank you for your patience and support during this time.